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Do you need help providing services to one or more persons on the Autism Spectrum in your agency or private practice?

Galperin Autism Consulting provides consultation for professionals supporting persons on the Autism Spectrum.  Whether you are a Mental Health, Developmental Disability, Medical, Education, Speech and Language, or other professional, Galperin Autism Consulting can help you learn to better serve persons with Autism.  We provide a variety of consultative methods, including "Autism 101" and "Autism and Mental Health" presentations, as well as more individualized "case reviews". 

The following is an example of professions that can benefit from Galperin Autism Consulting's consultation:

  • Psychologists

  • Intervention Specialists (Teachers)

  • Counselors/Therapists

  • One-to-One Staff

  • Social Workers

  • Employment Support

  • Supported Living

  • Case Managers

For more information, please complete the "Contact Us" form below. 


Are you the parent of, or caregiver for, a person on the Spectrum?  Do you need someone to help coach you through things with which you are struggling?  Here is a list of just some of the things for which Galperin Autism Consulting provides coaching:

  • Reducing Maladaptive Behavior

  • Increasing/Improving Communication

  • Increasing Independence

  • Physical Exercise

  • Relaxation 

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Social Skills

Contact Us

Thanks for reaching out.

Galperin Autism Consulting, LLC

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